Setup Unit Survey

ATTENTION: MARADMIN Cancellation 017/19 removed the requirement for Marine Corps units to complete the Command Climate Survey (CCS). The survey remains available and funded for units wishing to conduct the CCS.

Surveys are only to be conducted at O5/O6-level organizations. Also, only unit survey administrators should set up surveys on this page. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the survey managers at  888-603-3170 or e-mail

Use the controls at the bottom of this page for the following steps:
CCSCMC Command Climate SurveySurveys unit-level organizational climate issues
Hazing SurveyHazing SurveySurveys USMC personnel regarding the hazing issues within the command
Step 1. Enter the maximum number of people who can take the survey.
Step 2. Description of group (for most, this will be "All Personnel").
Step 3. Select "Add to Request List" then click on the long green button that appears at the bottom of the page.
Step 4. For assistance call survey managers at: 888-603-3170